Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Should America look to Cuba for energy plan?

Should America look to Cuba when it comes to facing energy issues? Cuba is about to enter yet another “Special Period.” These “Special Periods” have been a way of life ever since the early 1990’s and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Seems the collapse of the Soviet Union sent Cuba into a, cap & trade experiment. As they do not have enough energy to meet their needs, they force businesses to disconnect their air conditioners, and disable some lighting. Black outs will become the norm for the day, though not at normal cooking times. Many workers will be required to stay home from their jobs, without pay. Cuba produces about half of the oil they consume; the rest comes from Venezuela, cheap. They no doubt have limitations on what they burn.

Lets look at this from a different angle. Barack Obama want us to use less oil, and move to “renewable energy”, there really is no such thing. That’s another blog. He is pushing a “Cap and Trade” policy that will limit the amount of energy used by all companies in the country. If a company needs to use more energy, they will have to buy credits to do so. This will cause all companies that use energy in the production of their products to raise prices to cover the cost of the needed energy.

So here’s the good news. We will all have more time on our hands by staying home from jobs we don’t really want to be at anyway. Our air conditioners will be turned off, and the TV stations will shut down during the day, so we will all be going to the beach for the day. Assuming we can afford the gas to drive there, or a car to do it in.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Is Chavez smarter than Obama?

Hugo Chavez is learning that it’s hard to buy friends, when you don’t have the money to do so. It seems that a drop in oil prices has him placing all of the countries he would eventually like to own, on a diet. Obama on the other hand just prints more money to pass along to those that voted for him, a sort of “quid pro quo” if you will.

In recent years, Chavez has used his nations oil wealth to drive his social-inspired agenda at home and to draw other countries in the region into his sphere of influence, helping to consolidate a leftward political shift in Latin America. At present, more than a dozen projects intended to broaden his nations reach are on hold. These projects include a gas pipeline across the continent and at least eight refineries from Jamaica to Uruguay.

While Chavez has placed his country in a sort of cruise mode, Obama seems content to push America right off a cliff into the largest debt ever seen by any country in the history of the world. He is enslaving not only the current population, as well as all future generations till the end of time, just to promote his socialist agenda. He is printing so much money, that soon, China won’t touch our bonds, or invest any more money, into a country it practically already owns.

While Obama, an amateur socialist, continues to spend money that we do not have, Chavez, a professional socialist, seems to know better. He seems to understand that you can’t spend what you don’t have.

So my questions are these. If we are going to have a socialist president, would we not be better off with a professional socialist? Would we not be better off with a president that knows when to stop spending? Would we not be better off with a president that would lead us down a more energy independent path, and “Drill baby drill”

In closing, may I suggest we run Chavez for president in 2012? It would certainly be a step towards a more finically responsible government.

After all, it’s not like you need a birth certificate to run for president of the United States.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Leave our rights alone!

There is a lot to love about this country. Even though we seem to be set on a course toward Socialism, we still have rights, for the moment.

I have noticed everyone seems to love their First Amendment right to “Free Speech” and take every effort to, not only use it, but proclaim it’s virtue. It seems that too many Americans these days want to pick and choose which Amendments they think we should and should not keep. It seems that some are obsolete in today’s world, to some.

The following letter to the editor appeared in the Sun Sentinel on 4/30/09. It was submitted by: Lester Weinberg, Tamarac, FL.

Time to amend the Constitution.
“With your paper and the airwaves full of gun stories and happenings full of indiscriminate killings, thievery and pure meanness, I feel that it is time that the “right to bear arms” segment in the Constitution is amended.”

“After all, social conditions in 2009 are far different that those the founders encountered in 1776”

Now while I agree that Mr. Weinberg has every right to express his opinion, he does NOT have the right to pick and choose which amendments of the Constitution we should just toss out because HE disagrees with them. I would think that Mr. Weinberg would remember what happened to millions of unarmed people in Europe that were unable to defend themselves from Hitler and his diabolical scheme to rid the world of Jews and others he considered unworthy of life. Mr. Weinberg seems unaware of how deadly gun control can be for those whose guns are taken from them. In most cases it is merely the first step taken by a leader with genocide in mind.

Anyone that wants to see a list of countries that implemented gun control, and the genocide that followed, please read my post from 2/17/09 on “Gun Control”.

As we all know, the second amendment was placed right after the first, not just for numerical reasons, but also to protect the first. We as Americans are obligated to dispose of our government, should it become tyrannical. We would NOT be able to achieve that goal without arms. While we all know there is no way of keeping government honest, at least we can give them something to think about.

So Lester, please consider this for a moment. I would die fighting for, not only your right to free speech, but ALL of your rights. Why would you deny me the tools to do so?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Balancing the budget on the backs of the poor.

It seems that Barack Hussein Obama has seen fit to reward his base with one of his first tax increases. Seems fit, break your promises to those that have the least ability to publicly complain. Would he have done this if these people had DSL service and were active bloggers? More than likely yes, looking at what he has already done to the rest of us. The only bright spot here is he is indiscriminately going to fuck all of us.

A 2008 Gallup pool found that 34% of respondents earning between $6,000 and $12,000 a year were smokers. And the smoking rate consistently declined among people of higher income. Only 13% of people earning $90,000 or more were smokers. I used to be poor and I used to smoke. I well remember the days when I smoked a cigarette instead of eating a meal because it was cheaper than food.

He says the extra money is going to fund a major expansion of children’s health care. Keep in mind that these higher taxes will encourage more people to quit smoking reducing this funding. While this may be better for the health of these people, rest assured that these programs will become part of the “Baseline Budgeting” process and will never expire, unlike the current people funding them.

These low-income citizens will bear a disproportionate burden of this tax. This tells me that he intends to balance his budget on the backs of the poor, a condition he seems content to inflict on us all in due course.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama takes the 5th, again.

It looks like at least one amendment is safe, at least for now. It seems that Barack Hussein Obama has an affinity for the 5th. He must, he uses it every day.

Why does he get the benefit of the doubt when you or I would not? It seems that if you or I were on the hot seat we would be fried. He is allowed to answer some of the questions without being compelled to answer subsequent ones. If you or I do not invoke our right of protection from self-incrimination from question one and refuse to answer any questions at all, we give up the right to that protection for all subsequent questions. Obama on the other hand can answer all the questions he wants, and in mid interview decide that he is done, until he get asked a question he feels like answering. If we did that we would be held in contempt of court and immediately jailed.

Jake Tapper of ABC asked a very simple question the other night. He asked Obama if he would sign a bill if, among other things, lacked the cap and trade component he so wanted. And what was the answer you ask? I’m still asking the same question myself. What ensued was one of his rambling dodging of the honest question from a reporter with a network that previously was completely in the tank for Obama.

Other than give us real answers, he pleads for our patience. The same patience, that still has us waiting for a peek at his birth certificate. The same patience that we are finding in short supply these days. He speaks about how this economy is not a speedboat, but rather an “Ocean Liner” that takes a long time to correct course. And how to correct our course we need to spend, and spend, and spend.

Interesting analogy, but lets see if it holds water. Carnival Cruise Chairman Micky Arison has taken a somewhat different approach to changing the course of not just one ship, but a fleet of them. Seems that he has found that you can renegotiate contracts with vendors for one. And on top of that he cut his pricing structure to cope with a depressed cruise market to entice more people to travel. Guess what, Carnival’s profits are up 10% over the same period from last year.

If we want to save an “Ocean Liner” we should hire a competent skipper. Not a group of people intent on running us aground on the raged rocks of Socialism.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Where has to true leadership run off to?

Where are we headed as a country? What are our leaders doing to this great country? Are we no longer a country of “American Exceptionalism”?

Lets look at what that means. The United States held a special place among all nations because we freely accepted immigrants. And it was with those immigrants that we became the first democracy of the modern era. Economic and political opportunities have always been higher than all other countries. Such situations along with a great degree of social mobility have attracted the best and brightest from around the world to our shores. No longer were people trapped in the political and social structure of the homelands they had fled leaving behind not only family in some cases, but also the masses of people that did not believe in themselves. It was with the help of these people that we expanded west with the pioneering grit and determination that no longer seems to exist today. Those are the people that helped to create our “American way of life”.

It seems that all anyone wants to do these days is have other people dictate how they will live, work, and get paid. We are fast becoming a cradle to grave society with respect to healthcare, earnings, and retirement. We no longer seem to care about doing anything to improve our own situations, and are more and more relying on the government to implement along with unions and others we not only don’t know, but also shouldn’t trust, every aspect of our lives. When will food become an entitlement too?

It’s time for us to toss out every politician that only wants to play the blame game. We need people that will be responsible for not only their own actions, but also call to task those that refuse to be. We don’t need to be, nor should we try to be like any other country. We would be better off too not only understand, but also embrace our “American Exceptionalism”, as that is what made America the great country that she is.

We don’t need a “New World Order”, we just need a few politicians with the balls to stand up for what is right and stop tearing this great country apart. When will we once again be blessed with a real statesman, and not cursed with the likes of Pelosi’s puppet?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is President Obama really just Pelosi's whipping boy?

Does anyone remember voting for Pelosi for president? Was her name on the ballot? NO. So please help me understand something. Why does it seem that Obama is her personal whipping boy, and why is she allowed to get away with it? If you whipped your child the way she whips Obama, the state would take that child away, much in the way she wants too take our country away from us.

Does it not seem like she is the one behind all these policies? She beams like a proud parent every time one of these silly bills gets passed. At his State of the Union Address, she was jumping up and down as if her own child had scored every touchdown in the game.

Did Obama make a deal with the Devil the day he got Pelosi in his corner? You bet he did. It’s like he doesn’t even conceive these bills. He has become the most inane president in history, while causing the most damage ever. He seems to leave the crafting of all these bills to someone he trusts to do the right thing, sorry, proper thing. Pelosi wouldn’t even let her chauffer make a right turn unless it was the only way he could get her to a government owned G-5.

We are talking about a woman that has the audacity to reserve these G-5’s on a regular basis, only to cancel these planed flights like it was her private airline. I thought Obama was the commander in chief? Isn’t that something that only he should be able to do? And don’t worry about all the money she is throwing to the wind as she uses her “Woman’s Prerogative” to change her mind as we will cover those costs for her.

When we vote for the “Leader of the Free World”, that’s what we should get. Not a whipping boy for the “Most Arrogant Woman” ever conceived. It’s really too bad that the woman’s right too choose was not an option for her parents back in 1940. If it was, do you think her parents would have let her go full term? Now that’s a stimulating idea.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What in the hell is wrong with Ray LaHood?

He just doesn’t get it. While America has moved to more energy efficient vehicles, a move most thought was a good idea. We are now poised to take it up the tailpipe. Conservation combined with a slumping economy has caused gas tax revenues to decline. These revenues are used for roadway construction and repair. So now they are thinking of other ways to raise revenue/taxes. This new revenue stream would require every vehicle to be fitted with a GPS unit to track the movements of the vehicle.

Does this mean that we all will be able to use the carpool lanes? After all, we will all have “Big Brother” along for the ride. And unlike a carpool buddy that usually kicks in a few bucks for fuel, or new riders only job will be to snatch dollars from us.

I drive a truck. Not a truck like SUV, which are mostly imposters, placed on a car chassis, but a real truck, on a truck frame. This extra weight causes my vehicle to get around 12.5 city 16.5 Hwy. This causes me to pay more in fuel taxes than everyone driving not only truck imposters, but also just about every car on the road. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with that, I love my truck. It’s not that I want to crush Prius’s, it’s just a side effect of being a Redneck. Whatever the circumstances, we like to come out on top. It’s all about survival. These people in tiny cars have made every effort to conserve resources for two reasons. It makes them feel good about the environment, and the government asked them to conserve. Now that they have complied with government request, they will be screwed for their efforts.

I look at this as an effort to get us all on “Mass Transit”, an option that for many trips actually cost more per mile than flying 1st class to the E.U., which is where they are trying to drag us. If you think a GPS on board is “Big Brother” in action, wait till you want to get to a public protest via “Mass Transit” only to find the government has restricted your movements.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lower water consumption cost us, more?

We as Americans have not always been so wasteful. In fact, we used to recycle just about everything from scrap metal to wool and everything in between. When the first paper cup was produced and sold as a way to prevent disease from public water barrels with a common tin cup, most people were happy. Those who could afford them were thrilled to not share germs with the rest of the public. Others saw it only as a way for the affluent to avoid contact with the poor. When the first plastic cups used in vending machines were introduced, people had a tendency to keep and wash them. We had to be convinced that it was OK to throw them away, as that was the whole idea.

Today there is a shift away from disposable products and in general, we are more conservative with our resources such as water and oil. I find it interesting that fuel prices typically go up as consumption increases, while the opposite is true for water prices.

Here in South Florida we have been under water restrictions for some time due to the lower water levels of lake Okeechobee. There are two reasons for this. First off we have had below average rainfall for the past three years. Second, the levees around the lake need to be reinforced causing some water to be turned to tide to keep levels low to prevent possible flooding from a failed levee.

As a result we can only water our lawns twice a week, so less water is consumed. This has forced local water utilities to raise their pricing to make up for shortfalls in their budgets caused by, you guessed it, a lower volume of sales. As far as gasoline is concerned, there will be forced consumption by virtue of higher taxes to be placed on that commodity.

So that’s the message America, conservation of resources by either means cost us big time. It’s kind of like balancing the budget on the backs of the poor. Sucks to be poor.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Transportation for the angry masses?

Have you ever wondered why the government is so interested in the idea of “Mass Transit”? Why would a country that has large untapped sources of oil and gas be so enamored with such a concept? Lets look at a few things that our new government is up to.

First of all, they are trying to stifle the voices of opposition with the revival of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” which really isn’t fair at all. By saddling radio stations with blocks of programming that they can NOT sell, these entities will be sure to go out of business. When this is achieved there will be only liberal/socialist ideas on the radio airwaves. This will amount to government indoctrination radio just like the drivel that is heard in communist countries. The stuff that the people in those countries don’t even listen to because they know it’s all propaganda. Do you think the “Fairness Doctrine” will be extended to TV? I think not, they are already overrun with socialist crap, much like a toilet of a public park they can’t seem to fix.

Next they will try and ban our guns! It seems they understand the constitution well, especially the 2nd amendment, they just don’t like it. The first step in subjugating a populace is to disarm them. Just look at Turkey, Russia, China, Germany, and Cambodia for just a few. For numbers and results please read my entry from 2/17 on HR-45 below.
Once our guns are gone, that will leave us with nothing but public protest.

Time for “Mass Transit” or lack there of. After they jack the price of gasoline through higher taxes, and get most of us (NOT ME) into small fuel efficient cars incapable of transporting more than the driver, how will we get ourselves and or signs to the protest? “Mass Transit”? If we know where we are supposed to be you can damn well bet the government will know too. How many of you think the trains and busses will run that day? Here’s a tidbit I’ll bet most don’t know. Even if you have a concealed weapons permit, like I do, you can’t carry it on “Mass Transit”. Lets just all line up waiting for the train with shirts that proclaim us “victims” and wait for the local punks to rob us, all corralled like sheep. They’ll have guns.

Bottom line is, I’ll keep my guns, my truck, and my voice, and you can keep the change!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Back in the U.S.S.R.

Why is it that the liberals that claim to know how to fix the problem, fail so miserably at history? Have these people learned nothing from the U.S.S.R.? When people are working for the government their production is reduced. There is no incentive to produce at a level that is good for anyone, let alone themselves.

In an environment where you know what you tax burden will be, before you fill out form one, how do you respond? You have one of three choices. Option one, pace your self. If you are self employed you might want to limit the amount of work you contract to do. You may only work four, or maybe three days a week. How does this help the economy? It doesn’t. Option two, you could always take off one or two months from your job and lose that productivity. How does this help the economy? It doesn’t. Option three, keep working at full speed creating as much wealth as possible while giving an ever increasing amount to the government. Only a fool would do that.

Lets examine the results of these options. Option one. By pacing yourself you may not be able to satisfy all of your customers needs. These customers may feel neglected, as they may not share your desire to limit your tax liability. They may feel neglected enough to shop elsewhere. Option two. If you decide to take one or two months off, your current clients as well as perspective clients may think you are out of business. That would be a reasonable assumption given the current economic environment. Option Three, why even go there.

Back in the U.S.S.R.? This may be an over simplification of a very complex issue, however. Do we not already grow too little food right here? Do we not already outsource too many jobs?

The Beatles may have had a big hit with this tune, but the only hit that we will see is a hit to our already struggling economy.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We have lost,, our way!

How did we get here? Let me count the ways, or better yet, let’s have Obama do it for us. “We spent too much money”. That’s a reasonable observation. But Obama has spent roughly $36,000,000,000 every day since he took office. We’ll talk more about that tomorrow. We did spend too much, on houses with prices that were spiraling out of control caused by banks that were financing people incapable of paying the loans back. Giving easy money was the main activity that fuelled the housing bubble. Why did the banks do this? The banks were actually encouraged to do so. And who would do such a thing? The government, in it’s effort to get un-credit worthy people into affordable housing. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, they were told, would buy these worthless loans from them. Why? For the real answer to that you would probably need to waterboard Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank. It’s about the only way you’ll ever get a straight answer out of either one of them. Its no wonder Obama has banned the procedure.

So here is part of the cure. Refinance Americans homes so their payments are more affordable, so that they can spend more money. Arrr, I thought that’s how we got here. While this seems reasonable to some, many Americans that acted irresponsibly, would need to have their mortgages re-worked to make this happen. This type of action will only feed the class envy/warfare that liberals feed on so well. If you can’t afford the neighborhood that you live in, GET OUT. It’s just not right expect your neighbor to warm to the concept that he/she is paying “a full boat note” for you to have the privilege of being their neighbor. At present there are plenty of rental property units available to these people at much lower rates than their current mortgages. This would give those people more money to spend. Is my house worth less than I owe on it? Yes, but you don’t hear me crying and bitching about it. Real estate should not be looked at as an investment in anything other than your own stability. Can’t deal with the ups and downs, then you should rent.

It would be impossible to comment on Obama’s entire state of the union address without writing a book. Even though it would be easier to read than the “stimulus package”, that the senate did NOT read. We’ll take a step-by-step look at these other issues starting tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do you really own your home?

Why is it only called bi partisanship when we hang them up? Do they not get the concept of principal? Enough of this.

When the government owns your mortgage, do you really own your house? Or is the government merely your landlord? New York city bans trans fats and wants to put a tax on sodas with sugar in them. But remember, it’s all in an effort to protect you from yourself. Personal responsibility is something we are not allowed to exercise, or be held too.

I choose not to smoke, but I also choose not to tell anyone what they can and can’t do to their body. You can’t smoke within twenty feet of an entrance to a building, and that’s fine. But how long will it be before your governmental landlord tells you that you can’t smoke in your own home. Would you be able to smoke within twenty feet of your front door? If you have a condo, that could place you within twenty feet of your neighbors door. And forget about smoking on your balcony, too close to the door.

Bottom line is government won’t do anything that doesn’t benefit government. So watch out when the government say’s “We are here to help”.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Response to Eric Holder's insult.

Eric Holder our nations first black attorney general has called us all out. Yes indeed, we are all cowards, that’s right cowards. His reasoning is that there are no frank and honest conversations about race in this country. He must mean “White America”. And why is that? I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that we don’t have a counterpart to the esteemed Rev. Jeremiah Wright out there spewing outrage and hate against “Black America”. While his perspective is defended almost as a earned right we as “White Americans” are forbidden from sharing our personal experiences and the opinions formed based on said experiences. When we share opinions based on facts witnessed with or own two eyes, they are belittled as merely being “stereotypical”. HOW DARE THEY!! Anyone that tells you, that that your eyes are lying to you and that your personal experiences are racist, might want to take a look in the mirror.

Frank discussion begins here. So Who’s the first one out of the box on this one? James Clyburn (D) SC calls four southern governors, all republicans, racist. He must think the (R) stands for racist when it really stands for responsible. Why are all of these liberal democrats so willing to sell our children into decades upon decades of “Financial Slavery”? Is it effort to strike back at long since dead whites that enslaved them? Will slave reparations be next? I do not begrudge anyone anything that they have worked for. Redistribution of wealth is flat out socialism.

We as Americans have changed a lot of our behaviors. We used to sit on our front porches and gab with our neighbors. That was before TV and long before Twitter. The following effects come courtesy of Jimmy Carter and his “ Community Redevelopment Act” In an effort to prevent redlining of some borrowers. I feel this was all about forced integration and was the beginning of the end for the current banking collapse, and was accelerated by Bill Clinton right before he left office. This bill allowed the US government to inspect bank loan records and judge their “portfolio diversity” If they wanted anything from the government they had to carry a large amount of loans to un-creditworthy clients. As our neighborhoods started to fill with people that received better interest rates, (courtesy of Acorn) we just got pissed. Some people saved thousands on their mortgages while others got hosed. I’m not going to talk to that person cause it’s just going to piss me off more every time I do. The following observations courtesy of Jimmy Carter and his “ Community Redevelopment Act”. neighborhood decline. While some blacks take better care of their houses that some whites, I’m on the local code enforcement board and here are my personal (racist?) observations. Most whites are brought in for building w/o a permit while most blacks are there for the upkeep (lack of) their property. While this may not be a valid cross section of the city as a whole, these are the people that are called to court. This begets backyard conversations about the people that won’t pick up or paint, but still enjoy their run down front porches, and why I joined the board. I have lots more on this subject but it would just seem like a rant if I continued.

Enough frankness, now it’s time to sit back and start collecting my race cards. Bet I get a full house.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Venezuela's election fair?

Obama administration says Venezuelan election was fair, hmmm. U.S. State Department spokesman Gordon Duguid noted “troubling reports of intimidation”, but added, “for the most part this was a process that was fully consistent with democratic process”. Once again, hmmm.

Lets take a look at the “democratic process” employed by Venezuela. State workers threatened with loss of employment if they vote against the measure. Recipients of government assistance threatened with loss of government aid if they vote against the measure. Hmmm, how do they know what an individual voted for, or against? When Chavez gives a six-hour speech it MUST be carried on EVERY station, in it’s entirety. Chavez used these speeches to predict to his subjects, that’s what they are, that calamity will happen without him as president.

The Democrats and Liberals, (for the moment we’ll assume that they are different groups) that now run our country are in favor of an “open card check” when employees of a company vote whether or not to go union. Does this mean when I vote NO, that I will get a visit from a few of Tony Soprano’s thugs? Remember, these are the same people that want you to get a “Federal Firearms ID”, are against a federal “Real ID”, and also whine and complain about showing ANY ID when it comes to voting. I’m pretty sure that Americans did not miss a single word uttered by Obama during his campaign, what with the “Mainstream Media” being wholly complicate in their desire to cover the “Story of the Century”, black man elected president. Would they have shown the same level of interest if Colin Powell were running? Add to this the amount of money that Obama had at his disposal after first agreeing to use public funding and then reneging on his promise; (get used to this one) and I guess they have a point. Obama plays the “fear card” if he is not elected.

I guess they’re right. In the future, look for American elections to be run as democratically as those of Venezuela, one voice, one message, and one view. Fairness doctrine, please.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gun control means using both hands

Am I the only one that sees the humor in a bill designed to restrict the publics right to posses a firearm being labeled as HR-45? Given the fact that the M1911 (a 45 cal.) was adopted by the US Army in 1911. The Navy & Marines followed suit in 1913. It may very well be the most procured handgun in the US governments history with 1.9 million units of the M911A1 purchased during the “2nd World War” alone. Why? Stopping power. We NEED to STOP this bill!

To make things even more obscene, the bill is sponsored by Bobby Rush (D) IL founding member of the Chicago chapter of the “Black Panthers” in 1968. An organization that in 1967 marched on the California state capitol to protest the states attempt to outlaw open carry of loaded weapons. It was not uncommon for the Black Panthers to engage in gunfire with police, sometimes by ambushing them. These activities endangered the public as well. Most cities currently face gang activity that endangers us all. We MUST be able to defend ourselves from any and all threats, even if that threat comes in the form of a tyrannical government.

The esteemed Bobby Rush went AWOL from the US Army in 1968, a fact lost in his biography on his home page. How did he ever get an honorable discharge? I guess they just wanted to get rid of him, I wish we could. In 1969 he spent 6 months in prison for illegal possession of firearms. I must assume that he feels that since he was not capable of being a responsible gun owner that no one is. Funny how liberals think that we should not be responsible for any part of our own lives. Could that be because they never have been?

A quick summary of the murders, resulting from governments that have enacted gun control in the past leaving people unable to defend themselves. If you don’t trust me, (don’t trust ANYONE, always verify) just google it for yourself.

Turkey’s 1911 gun control act resulted in 1.5 million Armenian murders from 1915 to 1917
Soviet Union’s 1929 gun control act resulted in about 20 million dissident murders from 1929 to 1953
China’s 1935 gun control act resulted in yet another 20 million dissident murders from 1948 to 1952
Germany’s 1938 gun control act resulted in 10 million Jews being murdered from 1939 to 1945
Cambodia’s 1956 gun control act resulted in the murder of 1 to 2 million educated people from 1975 to 1977
The list continues with Guatemala in 1964, genocide on Mayans. Uganda in 1970 resulted in genocide on Christians.

The bottom line is that I would hate to see the US join the ranks of these Communist, Socialist, or Dictator States that have shown the propensity for getting rid of people they don’t like or agree with. As far as liberals go, why do the people that preach tolerance the most seem to be the least?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Socialist share ideas

I hope Obama does not take this page from Chavez’s playbook, or has he already. After failing only a year ago to get voters to remove term limits, he is finally successful. How did he achieve this? He predicting calamity for Venezuela with out him as president. Sound familiar? Chavez, a self-avowed socialist and enemy of capitalism now courts the Russians. While the Russians have no more interest in Cuba, (nothing in it for them) they conduct joint naval exercises with Venezuela. This is their first major power projection in that region since the end of the “Cold War” A big thanks here to Ronald Reagan. This partnership will only lead to an expansion of his power, which he will surely use to further socialize the entire region.

What can we do? Oil accounts for 94% of Venezuela’s exports. While it does not all come here, enough does that we can make a difference. This NOT a call to boycott Citgo, I don’t buy their gas, but this is America and we all have choices. While Venezuela is the 4th largest supplier to the U.S. they only supply roughly 10% of our oil. We buy approximately 50% of their oil, in CASH. Most of the rest is sold at a discounted rate to her neighbors, some even barter for it. It seems we could cripple his regime by refusing to buy his oil. We could easily make up that 10% by drilling more ourselves while employing more Americans. When he runs out of money to buy off all of his people, (Stimulus package) they will toss him out with the trash. Sounds like a win win to me.

Don’t look for Obama to do this. He probably wants the photo op for a new set of coins.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Personal responsibility

I am currently unemployed, but have been able to retain my perspective. We all know, (or should know) how this all started. If you do not, just Google the “Community Reinvestment Act”, the brainchild of Jimmy Carter. That was where the breakdown started, but I’m not going to cover that here. Nor am I going to cover how Bill Clinton revised that Act in 1995 and greatly accelerated the decline of the banking industry. Once again, Google that too, I don’t expect you to just trust ANYTHING that you hear or read without proper verification. Remember that liberals hope you won’t verify what they say, it makes it easier to mislead you.

Back in 2000 I was going through a divorce and with little expendable cash, was in need of a forgiving condo loan, which I found in the form of an Acorn loan. The first thing I needed to do was meet with an Acorn representative that explained to me the concepts of, working, putting enough money in the bank to cover the mortgage, and how to write a check. While I felt this was a demeaning process myself, it’s obviously a necessary step for their targeted group, or they wouldn’t do it. Fast forward to 2005. Once again I’m looking for a new place to live by virtue of marriage, now I need a house cause the condo is too small. We found a 0% down fixed 30-year loan through USAA so that we could move at our leisure, and I could prep the condo for sale. Long story short, (too late I know), we now owe more than the house is worth, but are we going to get any help from Obama? No, why, because I still know how to write that check.

It’s called personal responsibility. If you took out an ARM, or bought a house that you could not afford, and you lost that house, TOO BAD. Even if the bank told you that you could afford the house of your dreams, you should have known that you COULD NOT. When will we stop rewarding bad behavior?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obama advances health care reform?

 Hillary must be PISSED. Obama achieves in one month something she couldn't get Bill to pull off in 8 years. Money for health care reforms. $19,000,000,000.00 for electronic health records. 1,100,000,000.00 for research on which treatments will work best for a particular disease. I used all the zeros because that makes the numbers as hard to read as the stimulus package was for the Senate to read. While electronic records MAY be a reasonably well intentioned cause, I'm not sure I want my records available for Washington bureaucrats to read at will. As far as bureaucrats deciding which treatments are best for us, keep in mind that they really mean, best for them. I have a bad disc that eventually will need surgery, maybe a few years out. However I will want to get that done sooner rather than latter while I still can get the procedure. When was the last time you heard anyone want to rush into back surgery. Under their plan I would get pain medication NOT surgery. Pain pills that will make me unable to drive, much less drive to work. I will end up on welfare, paid for by YOU. I would rather work hard to set my own budget rather than live on a budget dictated by them. Remember, Liberals don't measure success by results, the measure it by good intentions. 

 So think about this, while the road to Hell will be paved with Liberal's good intentions, I'd rather pave that road with Liberals.

In the beginning.

God created Heaven and Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. I created this in a few minutes without a 7 day plan. Someday it will be worth reading, just not today.