Eric Holder our nations first black attorney general has called us all out. Yes indeed, we are all cowards, that’s right cowards. His reasoning is that there are no frank and honest conversations about race in this country. He must mean “White America”. And why is that? I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that we don’t have a counterpart to the esteemed Rev. Jeremiah Wright out there spewing outrage and hate against “Black America”. While his perspective is defended almost as a earned right we as “White Americans” are forbidden from sharing our personal experiences and the opinions formed based on said experiences. When we share opinions based on facts witnessed with or own two eyes, they are belittled as merely being “stereotypical”. HOW DARE THEY!! Anyone that tells you, that that your eyes are lying to you and that your personal experiences are racist, might want to take a look in the mirror.
Frank discussion begins here. So Who’s the first one out of the box on this one? James Clyburn (D) SC calls four southern governors, all republicans, racist. He must think the (R) stands for racist when it really stands for responsible. Why are all of these liberal democrats so willing to sell our children into decades upon decades of “Financial Slavery”? Is it effort to strike back at long since dead whites that enslaved them? Will slave reparations be next? I do not begrudge anyone anything that they have worked for. Redistribution of wealth is flat out socialism.
We as Americans have changed a lot of our behaviors. We used to sit on our front porches and gab with our neighbors. That was before TV and long before Twitter. The following effects come courtesy of Jimmy Carter and his “ Community Redevelopment Act” In an effort to prevent redlining of some borrowers. I feel this was all about forced integration and was the beginning of the end for the current banking collapse, and was accelerated by Bill Clinton right before he left office. This bill allowed the US government to inspect bank loan records and judge their “portfolio diversity” If they wanted anything from the government they had to carry a large amount of loans to un-creditworthy clients. As our neighborhoods started to fill with people that received better interest rates, (courtesy of Acorn) we just got pissed. Some people saved thousands on their mortgages while others got hosed. I’m not going to talk to that person cause it’s just going to piss me off more every time I do. The following observations courtesy of Jimmy Carter and his “ Community Redevelopment Act”. neighborhood decline. While some blacks take better care of their houses that some whites, I’m on the local code enforcement board and here are my personal (racist?) observations. Most whites are brought in for building w/o a permit while most blacks are there for the upkeep (lack of) their property. While this may not be a valid cross section of the city as a whole, these are the people that are called to court. This begets backyard conversations about the people that won’t pick up or paint, but still enjoy their run down front porches, and why I joined the board. I have lots more on this subject but it would just seem like a rant if I continued.
Enough frankness, now it’s time to sit back and start collecting my race cards. Bet I get a full house.
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