Friday, February 27, 2009

Back in the U.S.S.R.

Why is it that the liberals that claim to know how to fix the problem, fail so miserably at history? Have these people learned nothing from the U.S.S.R.? When people are working for the government their production is reduced. There is no incentive to produce at a level that is good for anyone, let alone themselves.

In an environment where you know what you tax burden will be, before you fill out form one, how do you respond? You have one of three choices. Option one, pace your self. If you are self employed you might want to limit the amount of work you contract to do. You may only work four, or maybe three days a week. How does this help the economy? It doesn’t. Option two, you could always take off one or two months from your job and lose that productivity. How does this help the economy? It doesn’t. Option three, keep working at full speed creating as much wealth as possible while giving an ever increasing amount to the government. Only a fool would do that.

Lets examine the results of these options. Option one. By pacing yourself you may not be able to satisfy all of your customers needs. These customers may feel neglected, as they may not share your desire to limit your tax liability. They may feel neglected enough to shop elsewhere. Option two. If you decide to take one or two months off, your current clients as well as perspective clients may think you are out of business. That would be a reasonable assumption given the current economic environment. Option Three, why even go there.

Back in the U.S.S.R.? This may be an over simplification of a very complex issue, however. Do we not already grow too little food right here? Do we not already outsource too many jobs?

The Beatles may have had a big hit with this tune, but the only hit that we will see is a hit to our already struggling economy.

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