Should America look to Cuba when it comes to facing energy issues? Cuba is about to enter yet another “Special Period.” These “Special Periods” have been a way of life ever since the early 1990’s and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Seems the collapse of the Soviet Union sent Cuba into a, cap & trade experiment. As they do not have enough energy to meet their needs, they force businesses to disconnect their air conditioners, and disable some lighting. Black outs will become the norm for the day, though not at normal cooking times. Many workers will be required to stay home from their jobs, without pay. Cuba produces about half of the oil they consume; the rest comes from Venezuela, cheap. They no doubt have limitations on what they burn.
Lets look at this from a different angle. Barack Obama want us to use less oil, and move to “renewable energy”, there really is no such thing. That’s another blog. He is pushing a “Cap and Trade” policy that will limit the amount of energy used by all companies in the country. If a company needs to use more energy, they will have to buy credits to do so. This will cause all companies that use energy in the production of their products to raise prices to cover the cost of the needed energy.
So here’s the good news. We will all have more time on our hands by staying home from jobs we don’t really want to be at anyway. Our air conditioners will be turned off, and the TV stations will shut down during the day, so we will all be going to the beach for the day. Assuming we can afford the gas to drive there, or a car to do it in.
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