Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obama advances health care reform?

 Hillary must be PISSED. Obama achieves in one month something she couldn't get Bill to pull off in 8 years. Money for health care reforms. $19,000,000,000.00 for electronic health records. 1,100,000,000.00 for research on which treatments will work best for a particular disease. I used all the zeros because that makes the numbers as hard to read as the stimulus package was for the Senate to read. While electronic records MAY be a reasonably well intentioned cause, I'm not sure I want my records available for Washington bureaucrats to read at will. As far as bureaucrats deciding which treatments are best for us, keep in mind that they really mean, best for them. I have a bad disc that eventually will need surgery, maybe a few years out. However I will want to get that done sooner rather than latter while I still can get the procedure. When was the last time you heard anyone want to rush into back surgery. Under their plan I would get pain medication NOT surgery. Pain pills that will make me unable to drive, much less drive to work. I will end up on welfare, paid for by YOU. I would rather work hard to set my own budget rather than live on a budget dictated by them. Remember, Liberals don't measure success by results, the measure it by good intentions. 

 So think about this, while the road to Hell will be paved with Liberal's good intentions, I'd rather pave that road with Liberals.

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