It looks like at least one amendment is safe, at least for now. It seems that Barack Hussein Obama has an affinity for the 5th. He must, he uses it every day.
Why does he get the benefit of the doubt when you or I would not? It seems that if you or I were on the hot seat we would be fried. He is allowed to answer some of the questions without being compelled to answer subsequent ones. If you or I do not invoke our right of protection from self-incrimination from question one and refuse to answer any questions at all, we give up the right to that protection for all subsequent questions. Obama on the other hand can answer all the questions he wants, and in mid interview decide that he is done, until he get asked a question he feels like answering. If we did that we would be held in contempt of court and immediately jailed.
Jake Tapper of ABC asked a very simple question the other night. He asked Obama if he would sign a bill if, among other things, lacked the cap and trade component he so wanted. And what was the answer you ask? I’m still asking the same question myself. What ensued was one of his rambling dodging of the honest question from a reporter with a network that previously was completely in the tank for Obama.
Other than give us real answers, he pleads for our patience. The same patience, that still has us waiting for a peek at his birth certificate. The same patience that we are finding in short supply these days. He speaks about how this economy is not a speedboat, but rather an “Ocean Liner” that takes a long time to correct course. And how to correct our course we need to spend, and spend, and spend.
Interesting analogy, but lets see if it holds water. Carnival Cruise Chairman Micky Arison has taken a somewhat different approach to changing the course of not just one ship, but a fleet of them. Seems that he has found that you can renegotiate contracts with vendors for one. And on top of that he cut his pricing structure to cope with a depressed cruise market to entice more people to travel. Guess what, Carnival’s profits are up 10% over the same period from last year.
If we want to save an “Ocean Liner” we should hire a competent skipper. Not a group of people intent on running us aground on the raged rocks of Socialism.